The journey of the self continues as children gain a sense of self in relation to others. At this stage of development, we hone in on the use of verbal skills, as opposed to physical force, to communicate needs. The children are learning about feelings and communicating with their peers.

In Explorers, we foster independence with an emphasis on caring for each other and our environment. 

There is a marked transition from parallel and associative play to negotiated and cooperative play. Because we emphasize independence and exploration, everything is accessible to the children, such as their lunch, clothes, snacks, etc. Children are given the freedom to create in cozy spaces such as the art table, the reading room, the kitchen; this sense of independence helps to build confidence and increase self-esteem.

Much of what the children experience in their time in Explorers is documented through pictures and paintings.  During indoor time, children are able to express their thoughts and ideas through music, storytelling, puppet shows, celebrations, art, and sculpture. Outside play is self-directed where children connect with nature and engage in unstructured imaginative play.