Outdoor Classroom
Our outdoor classroom is a childhood idyll. The ample space comprises extensive grass and sand areas, a patio on one side, and a winding bike path.
The beautiful plant and tree landscaped yard offers unlimited opportunities for experiential learning involving math, science, art, language and literacy, acceptable risk-taking, building physical strength, and multi-age social interaction.
Our trampoline is at the north corner of the yard near the garden where passion fruit vines attract the Fritillary Butterflies in the Fall. Children enjoy the passion fruit and lemons from the large lemon tree in season. All the plants and trees intentionally support wildlife and provoke exploration and curiosity in our children. Our chicken gives us eggs to cook with, and most days wanders freely in the yard. The sand is prevalent for making sand muffins and digging for treasures. Also favored is the wrap-around treehouse with ramps & slide on the large Ficus tree. The outdoor classroom is well supervised and limited only by our collective imaginations.