By the age of four, children’s executive functions develop enough that they can focus, delay gratification, and concentrate on setting goals, creating objectives, and following through to success. Students are encouraged to establish healthy relationships with their friends and the environment in the Science Room. They build habitats for lizards, larvae, insects, and other wildlife. They care for our resident Guinea Pig, Bearded Dragon, Beetle Larvae, Rabbit Cherry Blossom, and Chicken Lovely Love. In addition, they study local flora and fauna, hatch eggs from the local farm in the spring, visit tide pools, and have a great collection of bones and nests.

Embedded in Science Room play are language and literacy, math, science,music, and movement. The plans of the children come from their passions.

Students meet each morning to discuss their plans and sign up with others with the same intent. As co-researchers, teachers observe closely to extend the thinking process by modeling how to follow a line of inquiry. These everyday experiences of problem-solving and trying various related strategies, planning, exploring, and making choices necessitate learning new skills for our work/play and provide a foundation for kindergarten and the rest of their lives.